Dillo Server Mode Patch

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This patch is against CVS.


This patch allows to control another Dillo instance (the server) by sending it commands. For example, the server can be requested to open a new URL.

An application can therefore use Dillo as a flexible help browser. It can launch a single private Dillo instance used only by itself, and control it to open different URLs. For example, the application can provide a "Help on Context" mode for the user: the user clicks on a GUI item to request help on it, and the application will use the same Dillo window to show the associated help text. When finished, it can request the Dillo instance to quit. Associated with the ability for Dillo to be embedded in another X-Window window, it can provide an integrated HTML viewer. The advantage over a library, is that if the HTML viewer crashes, the application is not affected.


New Command Line Options

The patch introduces the following new command line options:
  • -s, --server NAME: to set the name of the server to create or to connect to if it is already running;
  • -c, --command COMMAND: to execute the COMMAND command;
  • -H, --help-commands: to display the list of commands that can be used with the -c, --command option.
  • -r, --reload SECONDS: to set the default auto-reload interval.


A command passed to the -c, --command option has the following syntax:


  • CMD is the command name;
  • ARG is the first command argument;
  • [ OPTION[=VALUE]]... is a list of optional arguments. Each optional argument is separated with the previous one with a single space. If the option is of a boolean type, a missing value is interpreted as if "=yes" was given.

Note: the whole command should be escaped between double-quotes (") and the ARG must not contain any space. As in general the ARG is a URL and as a URL must encode included spaces, this is not a limitation.

The currently implemented commands are:
  • open(URL[ fullwindow[=yes|no]][ newwindow[=yes|no]][ reload=SECONDS][ spamsafe[=yes|no]][ xid=XID]): to open a URL. The optional arguments allow to specify how and in which window the URL is to be opened;
  • exit(): to stop Dillo;
  • fullwindow([yes|no]): to set the default fullwindow mode;
  • reload(SECONDS): to set the default reload interval;
  • xid(XID): to set the default XID X-Window ID;
  • spamsafe([yes|no]): to set the default SpamSafe mode.
Note: the other command line options are in fact translated to their -c, --command. The first URL after all command line options is translated to a open(URL) command, and the subsequent ones are translated to open(URL newwindow) commands.


  • dillo -s help URL: open the URL in the server named "help". This is the typical browser command line option to always use the same Dillo instance for every user help request.
  • dillo -s watch_log -c "open(URL reload=10 xid=0x8391230)": open the URL in the X-Window XID and reload it every 10 seconds. Can be used to monitor a URL.
  • dillo -s external_browser -c "open(URL newwindow)": open the URL in a new window.



The patch against current CVS is here: dillo-server-mode-CVS-2003-08-29.patch

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